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Take control of your experience! Welcome to my library of tools and guides that will equip you with the strategy, insight, and execution required to thrive in business…and in life.

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How To Use The Visionary Love Letter

Dear Visionary, I had a problem: our annual planning meetings were important and set the tone for the year...but my teams weren't walking in as well prepared as I had hoped. This "Visionary Love Letter" solved the problem.


Tool: How To Do A Dentist Quarterly

The "How to Do a Dentist Quarterly Check-In" tool provides a structured approach to syncing with associates, offering more than just a numbers review. It focuses on fostering real connections, reflecting on wins, exploring growth opportunities, and aligning personal and career goals.  

Tool: How to Do a Dentist Check-In

The "How to Do a Dentist Check-In" tool helps you create a supportive environment for open conversations with your associates. It provides a framework for discussing both personal and professional challenges, ensuring they feel supported while also reviewing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and identifying any needed assistance for success.

Tool: The 4Ps Dental Edition-Building A Life Vision

For many of us, the demands of our profession take over, leaving little room for you. Stress, burnout, and constantly feeling behind are common, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Imagine having a clear vision for your life—one that’s in writing, something you can review, refine, and truly live by.